Saturday, May 29, 2010

Makes you want to honk your horn, doesn’t it?


We found ourselves behind a Toyota with this annoying bumper sicker while on our way to breakfast at Denny’s this morning.

dennysI felt a strong urge to lay on the horn, but our little rental Hyundai Accent has an exceptionally feeble horn. I also got a little twitch in my accelerator foot while sitting at a stoplight.

We’re at Denny’s now waiting for our food and listening to the clatter in the kitchen next to our booth. I am wearing my fabulous new Tombstone Epitaph t-shirt.

Austin called earlier to say he and his girlfriend missed their flight out of Indianapolis this morning because the airline listed the wrong gate on the flight display. He said they admitted their mistake and have him and Jen on a later flight to Denver where they will fly to Tucson on standby. This means they will miss the rehearsal, but at least they’ll be here for the wedding.

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