Sunday, May 16, 2010

I’m a believer – O frabjous day, calloo, callay!

zout Zout laundry stain remover saved my TravelSmith safari jacket

I was certain the nasty ink stain from my Mont Blanc rollerball pen would never ever come out of the patch pocket on my jacket. I used rubbing alcohol and cold water with dubious results – mostly it just spread the stain to my fingers (see yesterday’s post). Then I saturated the stain with Zout, let it set for an hour or so, then scrubbed it with a toothbrush dedicated to laundry use. I ran it through the washer and found it much improved, but still noticeably stained. So I gave it a couple more Zout soaks and toothbrush scrubs and then a final ride in the washer.

And to my utter amazement, the ruinous ink stain was gone. Completely gone.

They say their triple enzyme formula is guaranteed, but I figured that was just so much hype. I still suspect there is some kind of stain out there that this stuff can’t touch, but it rescued my favorite jacket and I couldn’t be happier with the result.

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