Thursday, May 20, 2010

Good news

I finally got around to trying on my black suit this morning - the one I need to wear for my stepdaughter Morgan’s wedding a week from Sunday. I haven’t worn it since we moved to Arkansas nearly three years ago. I think the last time I wore it was for Morgan’s graduation from I.U. in the spring of 2007.

I was concerned that it might have shrunk hanging in the closet all those years like many articles of clothing do. In which case, I’d have to hustle over to Joseph A. Banks Clothiers at the mall and lay out some serious money for a new suit and hope that they could make any alterations quickly.

But, wonder of wonders, it fits. Now all I have to do is find a good dry cleaning establishment because there is a big stripe of dust where the pants draped over a hanger and more dust on the jacket shoulders.

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