Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Going political

alexander bumpersticker

This is the first political bumper sticker I’ve put on one of my cars in 42 years.

Way back in 1968, I had a Eugene McCarthy bumper sticker on the back of my ‘65 VW beetle. Yeah, I know. Times change and people grow up and their political views mature. At least that’s true for some of us.

Even though I’ve liked other candidates since then, I was in the newspaper business and people who want to be taken seriously as objective reporters don’t go around advertising their political preferences. Now that I’m retired, I’m no longer bound by that concern. Not so with Maria. The most controversial bumper sticker she will allow on her Subaru Forester says, “My Australian shepherd is smarter than your honor student.” And she also has a Bernina license plate frame I bought for her.

Randy Alexander, as I blogged weekend before last, is my choice among the eight guys running for the Republican nomination for U.S. Senator from Arkansas. (The winner will face either incumbent Blanche Lincoln or Bill Halter in the November general election.) I offered my assistance when I met him in Little Rock and he called me last night to say he was in Jonesboro and wondered if he could drop off some yard signs with me. We rendezvoused a few minutes ago in the Hastings parking lot and now I have a baker’s dozen of his yard signs in the trunk of my del Sol and an Alexander bumper sticker on the trunk lid.

The primary is two weeks from today and Alexander is a long shot, but he had all the right answers at the APME forum last month. He was the only candidate to call “man-caused climate change” what it is - “junk science” designed to further a nefarious political agenda. Check out his web site and his positions on the issues at alexanderforsenate.org.

If you’d like a yard sign or a bumper sticker, let me know and I’ll hook you up.

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