Friday, April 30, 2010

Two kinds of stupid

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. - David Kernell, the former University of Tennessee student who hacked Sarah Palin’s email during the 2008 presidential campaign, was found guilty today of unauthorized access to a computer and obstruction of justice by a Federal Court jury.

He was found not guilty of wire fraud and the jury failed to reach a verdict on identity theft, meaning the prosecution can re-file the identity theft charge.

Defense counsel Wade Davies said it was a prank, but prosecutors argued he was trying to sabotage Palin’s campaign for vice president.

The conviction for obstructing an investigation can carry a maximum 20-year prison sentence.

This is two kinds of stupid – first for hacking Palin’s email and second for not doing a plea bargain and rolling the dice in court when real prison time was on the table.

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