Sunday, April 25, 2010

Saucers-3, Pharaohs-0

flying saucer

Here I am at the Flying Saucer in downtown Little Rock yesterday afternoon. If you join the club and drink 200 beers, you get your name on one of the plates hanging on the walls and ceiling.

I had a Spaten Oktoberfest, a Paulaner Oktoberfest and some other beer that was on special, but I didn’t join the club because I don’t get to Little Rock that often. They have a dizzying array of beers from all over the world. If I lived in Little Rock, I’d be a regular.

We needed some time at the Flying Saucer to take the bad taste out of our mouths from the Arkansas Arts Center’s really crappy Pharaohs lr museumexhibition of ancient Egyptian artifacts.

Despite the hype, there isn’t a single piece there that I would call stunning. It’s like the seeds and stems of Egyptian archaeology, all dressed up in temperature and humidity controlled Plexiglass boxes.

We paid $42 with a senior citizen discount (for Maria, not me) and felt like we’d been seriously ripped off. This thing is worth five bucks apiece, tops. Fortunately, transportation was provided by the Doubletree shuttle service, so we didn’t have to pay cab fare to get there and back.

The awards banquet was a pleasant affair and Maria picked up two awards for herself, one for her boss and one for the staff of the Sun.

We shaved maybe 20 minutes off of our travel time home by taking the new extended U.S. 67 and the Ark. 226 cutoff, blew through Jonesboro without catching a single red light and fell into bed about 11:45 p.m.

It’s about 3:20 p.m. now, so we have about 40 minutes before we drive down to pick up the dogs.

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