Saturday, April 24, 2010

Oh, yeah. PBS. That says it all.

I shared a lunch table with a reporter from PBS, sent out here to the wilderness from San Francisco to cover the Arkansas U.S. Senate races for the PBS News Hour.

He made a point of letting us know he grew up with Sen. Diane Feinstein and has multiple familial connections with her, which I guess serves as his credentials as a member of the Mainstream Media Elite.

After the debate between incumbent Democrat Sen. Blanche Lincoln and her challenger, Lt. Gov. Bill Halter, I found myself sharing restroom urinal space with the guy and opined that I wished someone have asked the candidates about Cap and Trade. He responded that the subject came up at a debate last night and one of the candidates who was not here today made the shocking disclosure that “he doesn’t even believe in global warming.”

Interesting. None of the eight Republican senatorial candidates who appeared in an earlier panel discussion seemed worried about supposed global warming and several declared it a fraud based on junk science. So do I.

But then I don’t come from the vortex of political and social lunacy where he lives.

The GOP senatorial candidate panel gave me a chance to see and hear the man who will almost certainly be the next U.S. Senator from Arkansas. Given what I heard this morning, and since I don’t work for a newspaper and can now have my own opinions, I hope the winner in the primary and November election will be Randy Alexander. His three basic points are:

  • Freedom and liberty are self evident rights granted to us by God, not permitted to us by our government.
  • The proper role of government is to protect equal rights, not provide equal things.
  • It is never appropriate for the actions of a government established by the people to exceed the boundaries established by the people’s Constitution.
He’s got my vote and probably bumper sticker space on my del Sol.

1 comment:

  1. “he doesn’t even believe in global warming.”

    Amazing how there seems to be a correlation between those who have denied the existence of God, and those who have adopted a "belief" in the junk science of anthropomorphic global warming.
