Sunday, April 18, 2010

No company tonight

Rick Nelson called from Amarillo last night to say he won’t need a place to stay here tonight because he realized it’s faster and shorter to take I-44 up through Tulsa and St. Louis than it would be to take I-40 east and then jog up to Jonesboro before continuing home to Indy.

And, of course, he’s right. Google maps says it’s 1,005 miles via St. Louis and 1,146 miles via Jonesboro. Not to mention that it’s about 3 hours more drive time via Jonesboro because of all of the secondary road mileage.

Which affirms my longtime contention that we’re not on the way to from anywhere to anywhere else. Anyone who comes here, does it just to be here.

See you at the BMW MOA International Rally in Redmond, Ore. in July, Rick.

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