Monday, April 26, 2010

Monday morning ramblings


Yikes! Here it is past noon on Monday and I haven’t blogged anything.

Let’s see. What’s on my mind today?

Here’s an ironic photo my BMW riding friend Rich sent me this morning.

It occurs to me that Arizona’s legislature and governor are doing a lot of good things lately – abolishing the need for a concealed carry permit a week or so ago and more recently the get-tough policy on illegal immigrants that makes it a state crime to be in Arizona illegally. Can’t say as I blame then, considering that they’re getting absolutely no help from the Feds as crime in Mexico spills over the border. Today’s Rasmussen Report says 60 percent of all American voters agree with the policy, so we may see other border states like Texas and New Mexico follow suit.

I’m sad to see Randy Alexander is trailing in the polls in the eight-way race for the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate in Arkansas. I didn’t find much to dislike in any of the candidates who spoke at Saturday morning’s Associated Press Managing Editors forum in Little Rock, but Alexander got everything right from my point of view. I’d love to see him close the gap between now and the May 18 primary, but I think it will probably take more than just putting an Alexander bumper sticker on my Honda del Sol.

It appears the front-runners in the GOP contest all outpoll incumbent Democrat Blanche Lincoln and her challenger Bill Halter. I’ve taken an instant disliking to Halter. He reminds me of kids who thought they were hotshit politicians when they ran for student government positions in college. I almost feel sorry for Blanche. I think she honestly tried to do right by her constituents but caved under pressure from Obama and Harry Reid when it came to their socialist agenda. If she had had the guts to use her vote to kill Obamacare, she’d be golden and unassailable lauri morelpolitically right now. Instead, she will be out of a job at the end of the year along with a helluva lot of other Red State Democrats who should have known better than to let Reid and Nancy Pelosi take them over the cliff.

Tonight is the sixth and final session of my advanced digital photography class. Since only one person showed up last week, I’ll reprise the flash photography info I covered last Monday night and throw in a session on HDR (High Dynamic Range) photography.

Crawfordsville, Indiana friend Lauri sent me this rain-soaked iPhone self-portrait with a fabulous Indiana morel mushroom yesterday morning just to taunt me. It’s been three years since we were treated to a mess of fried morel mushrooms. They just don’t thrive in this soil and climate. If you’ve never tasted them, you must add them to your culinary to-do list. If I were on death row, my last meal request would be an all-you-can-eat feast of fried morel mushrooms, with genuine Hoosier sugar cream pie for dessert.

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