Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Kwanzan Flowering Cherry Trees!

Kwanzan-Field-220wEver since the ice storm of January 2009 killed our flowering dogwood, we’ve talked about replacing it.

We planted a flowering dogwood near the front of the house a couple of weekends ago. We also noticed a gorgeous, spectacular Kwanzan flowering cherry tree at a nursery but it was about $100 more than we were ready to spend.

Then Maria discovered Sam’s Club has Kwanzan flowering cherry trees for something like $11 and change. She planted one yesterday morning back by our rear property line to provide a privacy screen between our house and the new house being built about 30 feet from the property line. And she picked up two more last night. If they bloom anything like the one we saw at the nursery, a stand of these things will be mind-bogglingly beautiful.

A little Google research informs me that the Kwanzan flowering cherry tree is the hardiest of all cherry trees and quickly grows to a height of 30-40 feet. Here’s what fast-growing-trees.com says about them:

The Kwanzan Flowering Cherry Tree is easily the showiest of all Cherry Trees. Its flowers aren’t just pink… but “Double Pink,” meaning you get twice as many blooms as found on other trees.

Kwanzan-blooms-220WYour new Kwanzan Cherry Tree blooms in large clusters of 3-5 flowers! These clusters are the thickest of all pink flowering trees and look similar to carnations.

Your Kwanzans will begin to bloom in April. Also a delight in the fall, when it will give you golden autumn leaves that grab everyone's attention.

One of the easiest flowering trees to grow! Thrives in almost any soil and climate. Easily grown in zones 5-9. A tree for many seasons!

That’s a helluva deal for eleven bucks, especially considering that the online nursery would charge $100 for these 5-footers!

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