Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Justify this craziness, Obama voters

This is from Bride of Rove and it pretty much sums up my sense of horror, alarm, disbelief, rage, whatever, over Obama’s insane, treasonous ideas about how we should behave in a nuclear world:


I have a gun. I will not use it.


Last week I was robbed.

Not really, but stay with me here for a minute.

The criminal was quite menacing. He had acid in a bottle ready to throw it and all sorts of weapons. I totally understood where he was coming from, though because I totally suck and should not have all this stuff that I have – the iPhone especially because it’s just shamefull, really – so I told him, “Look. I have a gun on me and it’s totally loaded for bear, you know? And the house? God every room is armed to the frigg’n teeth. I’ve got enough ammo to kill half the state.”

Not really, but stay with me here for a minute.

“I can see you are grossly under-armed there yourself and really no match for myself and my family, but as you can see posted on the mailbox and on the button I’m wearing here on my shirt – I’m not going to use any of my own weapons to stop you from doing bad things to me or my family because I want to set a good example and stuff. What you do? Well. that’s on you. I appreciate your anger and avarice, Truly I do. I don’t even know why I exist on this planet or have bothered to earn money or buy things because it’s obviously causing you to do things you would not do otherwise. I may kind of sort of WANT to defend myself, but just kill me before I change my mind. I’ve said I won’t use weapons to defend myself and I want to die sticking by my word and my high minded morals. Someday people will admire my Ghandi-like passivist stance and the fact that I stood by my suicidal beliefs and wonder. Not … anyone in my family because I doubt they’ll survive this, but complete strangers will step over my dead body, take what they need, burn the house down … and for a brief shining moment I will have made someone happy.”

President Obama is completely insane btw. I think this is grounds for impeachment. It has to be. The one thing he is supposed to actually do for us and he makes a huge-assed statement saying “Meh. Not so much. Not feeling the defense thing with you America.”

Is this about sainthood? Because I will procedural cannonize Obama rightthehell now if that’s all it is.

Not moving on from this just yet. Can’t.process.te.stupid

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