Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I’m blah and Ruthie’s deaf

This is a low key day in the wake of yesterday afternoon’s dental crisis. I had some moderate pain last evening and knocked it down with a couple of Extra Strength Tylenols and was able to sleep pain-free. I’m still pain-free today, but feel kinda washed out and brittle, so I’m spending the day hanging around at home.

Ruthie the Wonder Dog appears to be going deaf. We can speak to her in a normal tone with trigger words like “treat” and “laser” (she loves chasing the red dot) and there is absolutely no reaction until we crank up the volume to shouting level.

Ruthie will be 12 years old in June, which will make her 84 in dog years, so I guess this shouldn’t surprise us. She and Pete are going to the kennel for a few days soon, so I’ll ask the vet to have a look at her and give us an opinion.

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