Saturday, April 03, 2010

Getting personal

It’s getting personal quicker than I expected.

The folks who are renting our Indiana house may take a severe economic hit – and consequently us too – as a result of the idiotic student loan provisions of the Obamacare debacle.

The wife is a nurse and the husband works for Sallie Mae, the federally chartered company that handles student loans.

You can read all of the background here, but the bottom line is that the nationalization of the student loan business means as many as 2,500 firings at Sallie Mae. I talked with our guy yesterday morning and he said most of the lost jobs will be at a loan origination center in Florida, but there will likely be an impact on the Fishers, Ind., operation too. He, and we, remain hopeful that he can dodge the bullet.

Taking the Big Picture into account, this may be a good thing because it will further enrage an already madder-than-hell electorate and result in a massacre of liberal members of Congress this fall and the subsequent repeal of Obamacare. I’ve come to believe Obamacare is deliberately flawed, so as to cause an even greater crisis, resulting in an even deeper plunge into Socialism.

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