Saturday, April 17, 2010



I’m hanging out at Barnes & Noble while Maria shops at Dillard’s and listening to a Leo Laporte podcast.

rick award fHaving a relaxed Saturday.

Indianapolis BMW Club friend Rick Nelson called about 9 o’clock last night to say he is ferrying a friend’s new bike home from San Diego to Indianapolis and wondered if we could put him up tonight.

He said he was calling from Alamagordo, N.M., which is something like 1,054 road miles from here. He said he plans to ride until around sundown, which – taking into consideration that he will be in rain all the way from the Texas-Oklahoma border to here – makes it unlikely that he will get this far today.

Nonetheless, we have the recently vacated guest room standing tall and waiting. I’ll reshuffle the bikes and treadmill when I get home to make room for an additional motorcycle.

But if I had to guess, I’d say he’ll spend the night somewhere in the Ozarks tonight.


Later: Rick called me while we were having a late lunch at Olive Garden around 3:15 p.m. to say he was still in New Mexico – said he was the victim of an alien abduction at Roswell – and was aiming for Amarillo for the night. We agreed that Amarillo to Jonesboro would be a reasonable ride for tomorrow, especially since the rain should be out of the way by then. It’s a seven-hour ride from here to Indy, so he could be home by Monday evening.

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