Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Burning glucose, checking in with Doreen

161 So the doctor got on my case about weight and exercise yesterday – too much of the former and not enough of the latter.

Consequently, I resolved to get back onto the treadmill – something I’ve been planning to do since the first of the year, but have done only once.

I checked my blood glucose level before and after a 25-minute mile-plus hike this morning and was pleased to note the brief treadmill session knocked it down by 25 points. OK, now I’m convinced.

Besides, I have to shed a few pounds to be able to get back into my black suit in time for Morgan’s wedding in May.

On a completely unrelated matter, I had a delightful 45-minute chat with Mouseketeer Doreen Tracey yesterday afternoon on the occasion of her birthday. She sounds great and is as full of energy as every, putting together a production company and shopping movie concepts around Hollywood. She reports that Annette Funicello is clinging to life thanks to experimental drugs from the Multiple Sclerosis researchers, but she’s been on a feeding tube for a long time, is blind and is in a condition that would make me beg for someone to pull the plug. She had updates on several other Mickey Mouse Club alumnae, but I won’t bore you with them. Suffice it to say, the news from Doreen’s corner of Burbank is upbeat and good. (If you’re wondering why in hell I have a connection with an original cast member of the Mickey Mouse Club, go back to the blog archives. You’ll probably find the explanation on April 13 of a previous year.)

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