Thursday, April 08, 2010

Another Hoosier in exile returns home

This is Austin’s last day in Arkansas.

He works from noon to 8 p.m., then hits the road with a car loaded to the roof with his stuff. We expect he’ll arrive in Thorntown, Ind., sometime around 5 a.m. tomorrow.

He’s been with us since May 3 of last year. We’ve seen a lot of personal growth, so he’s leaving us in better shape than when he arrived.

We’ll see him again next month at his sister’s wedding.

It rained like a mofo last evening and I dumped 2.1 inches of rain out of the rain gauge when I went out to fetch the newspaper this morning. Lots of lightning and thunder, too, which freaked Pete out. He was cowering in the windowless guest bathroom until I carried him over to the couch, wrapped him in an old quilt and used him for an armrest until the storm abated.

The front yard, which I mowed for the first time on Sunday, is a sea of dandelion stalks. I let the back yard go over the weekend because we were still clearing sticks and limbs. Now with a couple of inches of rain saturating the ground, it will have to wait until tomorrow or Saturday. A cold front with sunshine and temperatures in the 50s followed the storms. It’s 51 at 10 a.m., heading for a high of 62. I see the high today in Crawfordsville will only be 48 – that’s only 4 degrees warmer than the high in Breckenridge, Colo. where they started the day at 15.

(I obviously don’t have much on my mind if I’m filling space with gibberish about the weather.)

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