Tuesday, September 29, 2009

You can yank their chains for less than $30

lg_pinkslip If you’re outraged by the daily deluge of bad news and moronic legislation coming out of Congress and want to put those clowns on notice that their days of wrecking the country are numbered, how about sending them a “pink slip?”

WorldNetDaily.com has launched a campaign to do just that, on a massive scale. For $29.95, WND will FedEx a pink slip to all 535 members of Congress that reminds the recipient that they work for you. Each pink slip bears the sender’s name and contact information and is signed “Your Employer.”

The warning lists four key issues that are deemed unacceptable to program participants:

A previous WND FedEx campaign blanketed Congress with over 705,000 personalized letters.

  • government health care
  • cap and trade
  • "hate crimes"
  • any more spending
"If you vote for any of these, your real pink slip will be issued in the next election," it warns.
To send individual notices to all 535 members of Congress through the Postal Service would cost you $235 in stamps alone – and your letters would be waylaid for irradiation in Ohio before they got anywhere near the Capitol.

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