Saturday, September 05, 2009

Over the pass to garage sales in paradise

placer panoALMA, Colo. – This is Placer Valley between the town of Alma and Hoosier Pass, looking south from the pass. Chateau Balough, where I’m composing this, is on the mountainside to the right.

deck pano

And this is the view from the deck at Chateau Balough, looking back north toward Hoosier Pass.

Equipped with a printout of the list of garage sales from the local paper and my GPS, with which to find said garage sales, we drove over the pass – paused to shoot some panoramic pics – and cruised on down to Breckenridge.

Tim got a killer deal on some computer equipment and we looked at sea leve a lot of junk, but enjoyed the hunt.

During the course of our adventure, we found ourselves behind an SUV at a stoplight with this sticker. As one who dwells at 330 feet above sea level, I tried not to take offense.

We stopped at Arby’s in Silverthorne for lunch and while perusing the Summit Daily News, I noticed this ad – something you don’t see in medical mjArkansas.

I wonder if I can get a prescription for the allergies that are dogging me. Probably not. I suspect you have to be a Colorado resident to qualify.

We hit a few more unproductive garage sales and stopped at City Market in Breckenridge where Linda picked up some groceries for tonight’s dinner.

Tim and I waited in the Jeep and amused ourselves watching a woman try to stuff a huge bunch of big green and white helium-filled balloons into the back of her Subaru Outback. I suppose the gallant thing would have been to offer our assistance, especially when the wind threatened to send her dozen or so balloons skyward. But an older woman came by and helped her wrestle the balloons through the tailgate.

Back at the Chalet, we discovered we were down to three beers, so Tim volunteered to make a beer run while I blogged. What a host!

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