Sunday, September 06, 2009

Getting by with less oxygen


ALMA, Colo. – I did some calculating this morning to get a handle on how much oxygen I’m missing here at Chateau Balough.

I found a useful chart at and did some interpolation to get more precise numbers for my specific situation.

When I take a breath at my Arkansas home at 330 feet above sea level, it contains 20.6 percent oxygen. However, that same breath up here takes in only 13.88 percent oxygen. That’s a 32.6 percent reduction and believe me, I can tell the difference. It doesn’t take much exertion to have me huffing and puffing.

(Take a breath on the summit of Mount Everest and you’ll only get 6.8 percent oxygen.)

While I’m having a great time up here among the clouds, I know I’ll be a lot more physically comfortable when I get down out of the mountains.

1 comment:

  1. Did you know Sierra Vista is 4633 ft above sea level and Bisbee is 5538? I haven't noticed a difference. I have no idea what 10,578 feels like, but I want to try it. The highest I have ever been was in the Smokies at 6643 ft.

    The highest point in Arizona is Humphreys Point Peak at 12,633. I'll let you know if I go there.

    Be careful!
