Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Wrapped too tight

I think I may be wrapped a little too tight. Or have too much caffeine in my system.

Austin, who is still with us after the initial deadline of two weeks, announced this morning that he has misplaced his federal tax refund check for $900+.

I watched him retrieve it from the Subaru when he and Maria returned from Indiana Sunday night, so it has to be somewhere in the house. That check, plus his final paycheck from his last employer, represents his financial resources for the move to

I’m trying hard not to let my head explode or to lapse into lethal sarcasm, but carelessness on this scale makes me freaking crazy. I asked why he didn’t just put it into his wallet. He said, “I thought you weren’t supposed to fold a check.”


On the positive side of the ledger, he swapped the title for his junked car for $25 cash from the salvage yard.

So I guess the news isn’t all bad.

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