Monday, May 18, 2009

Using my cell phone for an Internet modem

PalmTreo700p_clouds OK, so I don’t need the Sprint 3G wireless dongle and the added $60/month after all.

I went to the Sprint site and downloaded the software that lets me use my 3G-enabled cell phone as a wireless Internet modem. I’m already paying for unlimited Internet connectivity on my phone, so there’s no added charge when I use is as a modem for my netbook.

After a little fumbling around, I got hooked up and am now blogging via a cell phone connection on my Mini 9.

It’s not as sexy as the Compass 597, but it works and it charges my phone at the same time.

How cool is that?


  1. wow! Is it only your type of cell phone that can do this??? I want one!

  2. I don't know if it's unique to Sprint and Palm. Go to your cell phone company's web site and look for downloads. If they offer it, that's where it will be.
