Friday, May 29, 2009


clinton museum01 I’ve been a tourist in Little Rock today.

I went through the metal detector and plunked down my $5 admission fee for the Clinton Museum and strolled through the exhibits being reminded anew how singularly insignificant his presidency was.

Monica’s blue dress is conspicuously absent from the exhibits.

The centerpiece of the museum is probably the reproduction of the clinton museu02Oval Office, which I have to admit is pretty cool.

I also took the free shuttle down the street to the museum gift shop where I noticed a bunch of Obama stuff.

That’s ironic, considering how Obama has neutralized Hillary’s political potency by putting her into a limited cabinet role. As Dick Morris pointed out in a column today, George W. Bush called on Bill Clinton to help with high profile projects like relief for the Asian tsunami victims and the victims of Hurricane Katrina, while the best Obama can do for him to to send him to Haiti and cut off his income from foreign speaking gigs. Whatever.

macarthur hatI also checked out the Douglas MacArthur Museum in (what else?) MacArthur Park. The melting one in the song, of course, is in Los Angeles.

It’s full of MacArthur stuff, including Doug’s famous hat.

And now I’m tired of Little Rock, sitting at Starbuck’s again, and waiting for Maria to call to be picked up for the drive home.

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