Monday, May 18, 2009

They're baaaaaack

Maria and Austin rolled in about 10:30 last night, the Subaru Forester jammed with Austin's stuff.

They also brought back seven bottles of Indiana-made Red Gold ketchup, a hard-to-find item here in northeast Arkansas. It's our fave. Beats the hell out of Heinz and other lesser brands.

We just finished unloading the car this morning after rearranging the furniture in the guest room to accommodate the big flat-screen TV Steve and Nicky gave him a few Christmases ago, and his X-Box 360.

Having an X-Box in the house could be a serious time-waster for me. I might just go nuts and buy a copy of Call of Duty and re-fight WWII if my resistance fails.

Maria had a great time with her friend Lauri and her family during her return to Indiana. Austin had the predictable unpleasant encounter with his dad and his feral step-siblings. I think he finally decided to say, "Fuck 'em." Maria's ex is bound and determined to remain estranged from his own kids, partially because of the toxic influence of his nasty wife and partially because he's just an emotionally dysfunctional moron.

Whatever. Now Austin gets to have a new life and new opportunities in Arkansas.

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