Friday, May 22, 2009

Strange days

Former Indianapolis News compadre Art Harris emailed me a few minutes ago to alert me to a story being carried by the Indianapolis FOX affiliate about a deceased 750-pound woman, whose body was removed from her home on a flatbed truck.

There is apparently great outrage that the Marion County Coroner’s office would be so callous as to haul her down the street on the flatbed.

You can see the video here.

In other odd news, the ladies at the Brookland post office were all a-twitter this morning because someone told them the barbecue restaurant going into the vacant restaurant building across U.S. 49 from the new Citgo will be named Brokeback Barbecue and will hire only male waiters.

I think someone is yanking their chain. It’s working. They were really scandalized and outraged.

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