Saturday, May 23, 2009

Saturday morning

I’m enjoying a Saturday morning to myself. Maria and Austin went to the ASU Farmers Market and then off to Walmart in search of a set of car ramps so Austin can crawl under his “new” car and change the flodriveoil, spark plugs and spark plug wires. He already replaced the air filter that was so clogged with cotton that it looked like the car had been driven through a cotton field just before harvest.

The car runs kinda doggy and Austin is hopeful these tweaks will correct the problem and make it a bit more fuel efficient.

In the meantime, I hit the post office and then drove to Hastings where they steadfastly refused to send any one over to the cafe to sell me a cup of coffee. OK, fuck ‘em.

Now I’m back at my usual spot at Books-A-Million where I get 10% off my coffee and don’t have to listen to crappy music.

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