Friday, May 15, 2009

Running wild


I’m living the wild life of a bachelor with Maria out of town for the weekend.

After considerable thought and weighing all of my options, I chose the Subway just off of the ASU campus as my stylish dinner venue. I treated myself to a window seat and watched what looked for all the world like a drug deal taking place in the parking lot.

Now, I’m hanging out with a large coffee at Hastings while I plan my next adventure.

That will probably involve going home, flipping channels, drinking a little wine, and going to bed early.

Life off the leash is pretty intense, you know.

I had to go to the post office this afternoon to return some rental DVDs and mail a book I sold on And I went a little crazy and blew $8.80 on a block of the new Simpsons postage stamp. God knows what crazy thing I’ll do next.simpsons stamps

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