Thursday, May 28, 2009

Oh, great! Another snake story.

Maria passed this on to me this afternoon and it completely creeps me out.

It’s an email one of her reporters received from a friend:

SnakeI have been in and out of the driveway yesterday and today, busy as a bee. Just when you think nothing else can happen, here it comes.

I whizzed in at noon and saw a 5 ft. water moccasin snake by Alvis' garage door. After I entered on my side, I grabbed my camera and the big whisk broom and went out front. I took this photo and then began to whisk him toward the yard. He was not having any part of it. He hissed, struck at me and fought the broom hard. He was trying to wrap around the broom and finally I beat him off. He scurried into the garage and crawled up under my car. Egads, he disappeared.

Needless to say, I sure didn't want to get in the car, for fear he was inside somewhere. The horror of driving along on the highway and feel something wrap around my ankle struck fear in me for sure. I called Alvis at the Caraway for help. He came right home and popped the hood of the car--no snake. He looked under--no snake. He drove it down to Frank Smithee's garage and they put it up on the rack and got under it with flashlights. The snake was wrapped around the underneath portion near the right back wheel casing. The snake did not want to be bothered and fought them. They got hooks and it took the whole garage to unwrap him and pulled him out. Alvis said it was a big one and fat. Alvis said his hands were shaking when he got through.

My stepson Austin, who knows his snakes, says:

It was actually just a brown water snake, unless some one who knows snakes told her otherwise, I am sure that is what it is. Venomous snakes don't wrap and I did some snooping around online and compared pictures and i am sure that is what it is.


  1. AAAAK still creepy. They should have hacked it with a hoe. I hate snakes.

  2. That is not even a brown water snake. You found yourself a rat snake.
