Friday, May 29, 2009

Little Rocking

lrstarbucks Greetings from Capitol City, as the rubes might say.

We’re in Little Rock today because Maria has a media day at the Arkansas Supreme Court and I’m killing eight hours.

Specifically, I’m at the Pike Place Starbucks near the University of Arkansas campus. I’ve got my 20 ounce cup of Gold Coast blend that it stunningly bitter,despite the addition of lots of half-and-half and sweetener. The table to my left is occupied by four Junior League-types who are apparently the planning committee for some charity ball. They look oh-so-sophisticated, but the effect is utterly destroyed by their hideous deep Arkansas accents.

Am I a linguistic snob? Well, probably. After nearly two years here, some people can still hurt my ears.

We rolled out of our driveway before sunrise at 5:40 a.m. The Garmin GPS projected an ETA of 8:20 at the Justice Building in Little Rock. I dropped Maria off at precisely 8:10 a.m., in plenty of time for the 8:30 a.m. start of the day’s activities.

Garmin showed me the way to this Starbucks and next will guide me to the BMW motorcycle dealer where I’ll inspect their t-shirt offerings and ogle bikes for awhile.

I’m using my Sprint mobile broadband cell phone link to access the Internet, rather than the AT&T Wifi at Starbucks.

Austin still doesn’t have a job, but he got word yesterday that the State of Indiana will pay him $240 a week in unemployment benefits, starting immediately. That’s very good news, because he’s been nearly penniless since he bought his car. I gave him $6 we owed him yesterday and he was out the door like a shot to put $6 worth of gas into his tank.

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