Thursday, May 14, 2009

Jeez, what next?

pearlsend05autumn003 I always fear the worst when our phone rings before 8 a.m.

The 7:20 a.m. call today was from our renter in Thorntown, calling to say a storm overnight blew a big limb into the large window in the front of the house.

My guess is that the limb came from the aging maple tree near the point where the driveway meets the street in front of the house. He said the limb broke both panes of glass, then fell down outside the house, leaving a hole in the window with the wind whistling through it.

The storm hit about 3 a.m., he said, with lots of lightning and wind, scaring their golden retriever so much he climbed in bed with the guy and his wife.

I called our insurance agent in Lebanon and was assured they would get on it immediately.