Friday, May 01, 2009

Disappointing Arkansas dining experiences (continued)

psychic We had lunch at a local Pizza Hut today. I will not go back.

When we lived in Indiana, we occasionally went to lunch with my wife's coworkers at the Pizza Hut in Crawfordsville. It is a spacious restaurant with a good buffet and salad bar.

The Pizza Hut here has the crappiest salad bar I've seen in years. The lettuce was limp and brown in places, there were only a couple of spoonfuls of shredded cheese and there were no garbanzos, no peas, no beets, no potato salad, no cottage cheese and worst of all, no bleu cheese dressing!

I assembled a salad of sorts with some ranch dressing, but couldn't work up enough interest to taste it.

The pizza buffet was indifferently stocked and was mostly empty when I made my first attempt to score a couple of pieces of pepperoni pizza.

I've never been a fan of Pizza Hut pizza anyway, but this stuff was supremely bland, even for Pizza Hut.

The most interesting thing about our lunch was the t-shirt on the woman sitting next to us, advertising a psychic reader. It must not have been her because she didn't notice me taking this photo with my cell phone.

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