Sunday, May 24, 2009

Did I mention that it rains here?

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA         It's a rainy, sleepy holiday weekend Sunday.

Pete and Ruthie ran out into the pouring rain first thing this morning and promptly got soaked to the point that we didn't want to let them back into the house.

Our house has no gutters and there is a valley in the roofline near the back door that channels rainwater into a veritable cascade. It apparently strikes Pete as a bad thing, because he attacks the stream of water and OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA         bites it. (See photo above.)

We went to 10:30 a.m. Mass and then to Lowe's where Maria bought a small can of paint to try out a new color for the guest bathroom.

Then there were naps and the last half of the Indianapolis 500-Mile Race and now we're getting cabin fever and preparing to sally forth again in the deluge to rent a DVD and maybe buy more paint.

Do we know how to have fun, or what?

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