Thursday, May 07, 2009

Defector Specter dejected

Sen. Arlen Specter (?-PA), has been stripped of his seniority in his various committees after defecting from the Republican Party to the Democrats.simpsons_nelson_haha2

Specter says Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) promised him he could keep his seniority, which would mean he would elbow aside several senior Democrats on Senate committees.

Specter changed parties when it became apparent that he will lose in the Pennsylvania Republican Primary this year.

Now, without the prestige of Senate committee seniority, he is vulnerable in the Democrat Primary and, if he survives that long, in the fall election.

He claims Reid went sideways on him after Reid and President Obama welcomed him into the Democrat fold with open arms at a White House press conference.

Read all about it in The Washington Post.

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