Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Breathing easier

austin chevy I'm breathing easier today for a number of reasons.

First, Austin found his tax check, which we deposited immediately into his local checking account.

Second, he bought a car. (See photo above, shot with my cell phone's crappy camera) It's a very clean looking 1995 Chevy Beretta with 160,000 miles on the odometer and a decent set of tires. A friend hooked him up with a used car dealer, who knocked $700 off of his $1,850 asking price.

So now the lad is mobile and I can retire again from my chauffeur job while he continues his quest for a job.

And third, the new convenience store/gas station just down the road opened this morning. This is a big deal for me because they have a Subway and I'm giving serious thought to going on the "Jared" Subway diet. At the very least, it's an agreeable, handy place for lunch.

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