Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Feels like spring here

I suppose I'll change my tune when the steaming heat of summer arrives or when we get flattened by a tornado or frozen in an ice storm, but I sure am liking the weather here in Arkansas.

The temperature got up to 73 here yesterday and I was able to go for a motorcycle ride in just a t-shirt under me BMW AirFlow summer jacket.

It was 66 when we got up this morning, making it possible for me to sit in shirtsleeves on the screened back porch, reading the paper, sipping coffee and watching the dogs run around our fenced backyard. In contrast, it was 22 degrees colder this morning in Thorntown.

Heading off to work soon by way of the Brookland Fire Station where I'll cast my Super Tuesday ballot for John McCain in the Republican primary. Mike Huckabee will doubtless carry Arkansas, since it's his home state, but I gotta vote my conscience.

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