Monday, December 12, 2005

Thank you, Lexar

One of the first rules of working with digital images is that you always make your tweaks on a copy - never on the original version.
In my haste to get photos of the Newfoundland dogs and their owners posted to our photo sales site last week, I forgot to back up the originals and made irreversible changes to them as I prepped them for the specific needs of the site.
Mostly, that meant downsizing them from the original 300 dpi to a more manageable 200 dpi. When you make that kind of change, in the instant that you click on "save," you throw away a huge volume of image information that you can never get back.
And, to make matters worse, I didn't realize my blunder until after I'd put the CompactFlash card back into my camera and formatted it.
My stomach did a slow roll when I realized I had destroyed irreplaceable images, several of which could be stock photo money-makers.
Then I remembered the Lexar Media Image Rescue software that came with one of my CompactFlash cards. I was pretty sure I'd installed it on my computer, but couldn't find an icon for it. The "Find" program tracked it down on my C: drive and a few minutes later I was delighted to discover I had retrieved all of the images, even though the card had been formatted.

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