Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Name this puppy

Meet the newest member of our household.
He's an Australian Shepherd puppy who will be 7 weeks old when we bring him home this Saturday.
He's also Maria's Christmas present. Well, the main one. There will be others.
Since Ruthie the Wonder Dog is past her 7th birthday and well into doggy middle age, Maria has been agitating for several months for a second dog. We tried out a red heeler last spring but he was too emotionally fragile and Ruthie drove him so deep into his shell we worried that anyone would ever be able to coax him back to life.
A couple of years ago, Maria noticed an Aussie at a farm she drives past everyday on her way to and from work. He seemed to enjoy herding everything in sight, especially a couple of horses that humored him even though they didn't have to.
The owners put out a sign advertising Aussie pups last year, but they were all spoken for by the time Maria stopped to inquire. She asked them to call us in time for the 2005 litter and, sure enough, a few days before Thanksgiving they called to say they had five new pups - two females/three males.
We checked them out and settled on this little guy.
Then we spent the next several weeks trying to pick a name.
At this point, "Pete" is the front-runner, but I'm not crazy about it.
A couple of years ago when my son Sean brought his fiancee Ruth for a Christmas visit, he seemed peeved that our dog was also named Ruthie. Sorry. We had the dog long before he met the young lady who is now his wife.
So I toyed with the idea of naming the new dog "Sean," just to tweak him up, but the joke didn't seem funny enough to risk bad feelings. Besides, the pup doesn't look like a Sean. I don't know what name he looks like.
What would you name him?

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