Monday, December 26, 2005

Christmas in Zinzinatti

We drove down to Cincinnati Saturday evening for Christmas with my son Steve, his wife Nicky and daughter Lisa.
Maria was official photographer and here are my two favorite shots of the weekend:
1. Lisa freaking out over being held by Grandpa and
2. Steve on the baby grand and Lisa on the embryo grand.
It was a splendid visit. Steve and Nicky are most gracious and generous when it comes to hosting and gifting and Nicky's extended family was lots of fun Saturday night.
Because we didn't have any real alternatives, we took the dogs along. Nicky's brother Rodney brought his dog Brutus along, so with Steve and Nicky's Frank and Emily and our Ruthie and Pete, it was a real dogorama.

Ruthie the Wonder Dog is getting crankier with age and tangled with Frank before we could even get from the car to the front door. Steve put Frank in luxurious time out in the master bedroom, but Ruthie continued to be unpleasant to the other dogs. We set up her kennel in the guest bedroom, complete with food and water, which we thought might put her a little more at ease. Unfortunately, Emily got too close to the kennel and Ruthie attacked her. Emily was on her back, being bitten and screaming when I rushed in and yanked Ruthie off of her. A careful examination showed no broken skin and no bleeding, but Ruthie spent much of her remaining time at Steve and Nicky's place in the slammer.
Pete, on the other hand, played his "adorable puppy" role to the hilt and had everyone fawning over him.

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