Wednesday, November 23, 2005


We awoke this morning to the first snow accumulation of the season. It looked gray and miserable. Some years, I'd be out with a camera, but I'm just not ready for snow.
I still haven't got the front porch painted and I need to top off the tanks and add fuel stabilizer to the two bikes and the lawnmower.
Maria and I looked at each other and I said what she had been thinking: "+2EV"
That's the exposure correction for getting good snow pictures on an overcast day. The light meter sees the scene and decides the whole world is a gray card. The result is an underexposed, murky image.
So there's your free photo tip of the day: reset your EV by 1.7 or 2 stops or, if you're shooting manually, open up about two stops. It works like a charm for digital and I suspect it's the same with film cameras.
Little or no correction is needed, however, for bright sunny snow scenes.
Here's an example of a +2EV correction.

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