Friday, October 28, 2005

The Lisa Report

My granddaughter Lisa was released from the hospital in Chicago this morning and she and her parents are back home in Cincinnati.
My son Steve called yesterday to give me an update on her condition following palate reconstruction (or would it just be construction?). He said she was in some discomfort but was playing and doing great.
He also said something that choked me up.
"She can say 'Dad' now. She makes the 'd' sound perfectly."


  1. Bless her heart! And her parents too!!!
    Yup, that would bring tears to my eyes too. Our son said ''Bye Bye'' to his Dad so clear and stopped my husband cold in his tracks the next day leaving for work after the palate surgery. Very emotional.

    Glad to see that everyone is doing so well and thanks for "The Lisa Reports".
