Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Heading for Chicago

My son Steve, his wife Nicky and their daughter Lisa just left here for Chicago where Lisa will undergo palate surgery tomorrow morning.
Here are Steve and Lisa with their drinks for the road.
Send some positive thoughts their way, please.


  1. Good thoughts and well wishes ALWAYS! She is SO beautiful! Your family sure does make cute babies.

    My son went through the gum /hip bone graft surgery this summer so the surgery panic that parents go through is still fresh with me.

    Lisa will do fine! Dont worry. Lots of ice cream, mashed potatoes and gravy, puddings and Flinstone pushpops later she will be able to eat so much much better you will be so amazed. My son, after the grafting surgery this summer was able to WHISTLE for the first time and it brought tears to our eyes.

    Blessings of all sorts for your family!!!

  2. Wow, she's grown up so much already! Good vibes and happy thoughts from me!

  3. I was just thinking about your family and wondered how Lisa and her Mom and Dad are doing?
    Hugs to you all.
