Thursday, October 27, 2005

Another one bites the dust

Maria and I must have been sleeping lightly about 3:30 this morning because we both heard the mousetrap under her dresser go "whap!"
We both chuckled and went back to sleep.
I promised her she wouldn't have to look at our most recent victim, so I waited until she went to work before I retrieved the trap and attached mouse.
After photographing the deceased rodent, I tossed its body into the bushes for disposal by Mother Nature.


  1. I see you don't notch your traps for every kill. I do it so I know which one works the best. It also makes me feel like an Old West gunfighter!

  2. Whats the yellow plastic fake cheese part of the trap for? NEVER saw that kind in my life.

  3. Heap Big Hunter! (Poor little mousy.)
    Wonder why we don't have mice? We certainly have everything else!

  4. The yellow plastic trip plate has holes to hold peanut butter or other bait. It works. Got a fourth mouse this morning.

  5. Good God, FOUR!?! people need a cat, not just mouse traps.......... rofl

    Those plastic fake cheese peanut butter holder thingies must be working for are bagging them right and left.

  6. I'm allergic to cats. Unfortunately, Ruthie the Wonder Dog is not a mouser.
    I've been avoiding using the word "infestation." The traps are baited and set and we're holding at four.
