Friday, August 13, 2004

Today is Friday, the 13th. Whenever the 13th falls on a Friday, I always think of Walt Kelley's long-running (1948-73) comic strip, Pogo. The 13th got mentioned in the strip almost monthly, whether it fell on a Friday or not. The typical reference would have Pogo Possum or his friend Albert Alligator observing, "Friday the 13th came on a Tuesday this month." I suspect the short Pogo and the tall Albert were the models for Calvin and Hobbes many years later. Posted by Hello

1 comment:

  1. Hi Oracle!
    Haven't seen your site before - thanks for commenting on mine - I dig yours too! I've never heard of Pogo... although I love the idea of Friday the 13th coming on a Tuesday. I think we've all had days like that.
    Glad to hear you've done so well on Wellbutrin too - I've lost about 10 pounds myself - when I just couldn't before. I didn't want to take something that would mask who I am - but this doesn't seem to. Congrats for finding something that makes you feel good!
