Friday, August 06, 2004

Today is the 59th anniversary of the atomic bomb drop on Hiroshima. I had the honor of meeting Paul Tibbetts Jr., the pilot who flew that first-ever atomic bombing mission, a few years (and pounds) ago at a militaria show in Louisville, Ky. And, yes, I thanked him for what he did for his generation and mine and all successive generations of Americans. Despite what revisionist historians would have us believe, it was a necessary mission. Those who want to kill us today would do well to remember we are the only nation on earth to use atomic weapons and we did it twice. So far, in the war on terror, this has been us using precision munitions and being nice. They don’t ever want to see us in a blind rage.
 Posted by Hello

1 comment:

  1. Damn right!
    I'm sure you remember the fracas in the early 1990s over the attempts of revisionists at the Smithsonian Air & Space Museum to create a "politically correct" Enola Gay exhibit.
    Those of us who know the facts and respect truth over PC-ness have a duty to explain things to children who lack historical perspective.
