Thursday, August 19, 2004

My granddaughter Lisa with her mom, Nicky, Wednesday after a doctor visit in Chicago. Her cleft lip and palate are closing nicely and she's growing like a weed. Posted by Hello


  1. omg, this is too coincidental, just amazing! But, First off, let me say What a beautiful grandbaby, congratulations!!!! Beautiful blondes seem to run in your family!
    My son, who is 11 now, had a cleft lip and palatte at birth also, its amazing what the surgeons can and do accomplish now!!! Hugs to your children who are dealing with this, it is a scarey thing to have your baby go thru surgery etc.
    If your children would like some encouragement or any pics of my child before/after his surgeries or anything, please let me know. (That is if they know you have readers in cyberspace who do care......)Sometimes just looking at someone else who has gone through this before is a huge help.

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