Monday, August 09, 2004

Go read something important

Please don't waste another minute on my pathetic little self-absorbed blog until you've visited My War - Fear and Loathing in Iraq.
The author is a soldier in Mosul and he's writing the most gripping, real stuff I've seen out of this war.
Go to his blog. Now.

1 comment:

  1. Packrat? You bet! That's why I still had the picture sleeve 45 of the Rolling Stones' Street Fighting Man well into my 40s when I could sell it to a collector in Austria for $4,300.
    The creed of the Cancerian: Never throw anything away.
    You should see my attic. it makes my "pitch everything" Gemini wife craaaaaazy!

    And thanks for the kind words about my blogging. I'm humbled by what CB is writing and what he and his buddies are doing for all of us.
