Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Bucky who?

I visited our little postoffice this afternoon to mail a gift to my new granddaughter and it occurred to me that we could use more 37¢ stamps.
Responding to my request for "something interesting" in the way of stamps, our postmistress (Can you call a woman a postmaster?) whipped out an assortment of commemoratives - Olympics, Disney characters, Louisiana Purchase... and then offered a sheet of 20 depicting "some guy named Buckminster Fuller."
Some guy? Bucky Fuller is "some guy?"
Trying to control the incredulity in my voice, I patiently explained that R. Buckminster Fuller (1895-1983) was, among other things, the inventor of the geodesic dome. She had never heard of him.
I let it go at that and didn't bore her with the fact that I once met Bucky Fuller in the course of covering one of this lectures for my newspaper.
Fuller was one of the most brilliant men of the 20th century. He coined the word "synergy" and designed houses and cars that had qualities that actually made them so superior to what was then available as to be too advanced for public taste.
Checking the U.S. Postal Service website, I discovered the stamp was issued on July 12, which was the 50th anniversary of Fuller's patent on the geodesic dome. It would also have been his 109th birthday.
You can learn more about Bucky Fuller and his legacy at the Buckminster Fuller Institute website.

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