Friday, July 02, 2004


Here are the MFSDT (Most Frequently Said Dumb Things) heard by people who ride BMW motorcycles:

1. "I didn't know BMW made motorcycles."*
2. "Aren't those leathers hot?"**
3. "Did you ride all the way from _______ (insert state on your license plate here)?"***

*BMW (Bavarian Motor Works, or Bayerische Motoren Werke in German) made motorcycles before they made cars. The company started out making engines for World War I airplanes and the blue-and-white company emblem is meant to represent the view from the cockpit of one of those planes with the blur of the propeller being the white and the blue being sky. After WWI, the Treaty of Versailles put a temporary ban on German aviation, so BMW turned to motorcycles as an interim product.

**Of course, they're hot, but not nearly as hot as you think, especially if you keep moving.

***Yes, we most likely did and we probably took the long way getting here. Very few BMWs get hauled around in trailers or pickup trucks. It's the bike of choice for the serious long-distance touring motorcyclist. If you need proof, go to Daytona Bike Week on the final Sunday and notice how many BMWs are being ridden home, compared with other brands. The Harley-Davidson people might as well call it "trailer week."

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